Toronto rhinoplasty recovery advice

Toronto Rhinoplasty: Recovery Advice You Need To Follow

When it comes to recovery after your rhinoplasty in Toronto, do you know that there are both physical and emotional processes to go through? Many people underestimate the impact on one’s emotions and mental state that a cosmetic surgery procedure can have. The anxiety, fatigue, and mixed feelings about physical changes are most often temporary, but mental health is an integral part of one’s overall health and shouldn’t be ignored. We’ve compiled expert advice to help you prepare for whatever the recovery process brings you.

Physical recovery:

You’ll be happy to know that most patients do not report significant pain or discomfort throughout nose job recovery. Although swelling or packing in the nasal passages creates temporary congestion, there is minimal pain, and many opt out of taking the narcotic pain medications necessary after other procedures.

Knowing what to expect can significantlyreduce the perception of discomfort or worry about swelling and bruising. It’s not uncommon for people to see puffy, bruised under eyes. Even though no direct damage was done to this area of your face, bruising has an interesting way of moving around, and you may see black eyes or swell in places besides the nose itself. You’ll likely be allowed to apply cold compresses to the eyes and cheeks if desired, but do not put ice or anything else onto the nose itself.

Try keeping a humidifier in your room and ask your surgeon about approved methods of moistening the nasal passages for your comfort. You’ll be advised to sleep with head and shoulders elevated and keep your head up most of the time for the first week or two. Some people find this annoying or restrictive, but the consequence of laying flat or bending over is that blood pressure increases in the face, leading to increased swelling and even potential bleeding. Be sure to follow your Toronto rhinoplasty surgeon’s instructions carefully to reduce risks and heal quickly.

You’ll need to take at least a week off work, preferably two. Avoiding work and the gym is challenging for many people. You must be patient and consider the rest and recovery time after rhinoplasty to be just as important as selecting a great surgeon. If you rush yourself back into work before you’re ready, it could compromise your results. It may help to gather good books and movies, plus invite friends over to keep you occupied during your time off.

Emotional recovery:

While Toronto rhinoplasty surgery is often performed to improve the aesthetics ofthe nose, people also elect to have a nasal surgery for correction of birth abnormalities, injuries and physical characteristics that impact their self-imagegreatly. While it can be an exciting and happy time when finally making the improvements one wants, there may also be significant emotional triggers and unexpected feelings while recovering.

For some, the adjustment to a new look is fast and easy. They say goodbye to their old nose and never look back. For others, the medication effects, the way they look while healing, discomfort, and isolation combine to create temporary overwhelm and difficulty processing. Seeing one-self looking different in the mirror- especially the first week or two, can be hard to take in.

If you feel anxious, depressed or otherwise confusing emotions throughout your rhinoplasty experience, tell your surgeon and tell someone you are close to. Your surgeon can offer advice and support while reassuring you that this phase will pass. When counseling or other medical help is needed, they can put you in touch. Never hesitate to share how you’re feeling and ask for help. Its good to know that you’re not alone and these feelings area natural part of recovery for many.


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