Reshape and Contour Your Nose
Rhinoplasty surgery Toronto, also known as nose surgery or nasal surgery is the second most common plastic surgery performed on the face.
More than 200,000 people per year receive this surgical procedure. Rhinoplasty can affect one’s appearance dramatically since one of the most defining characteristic of the face is the nose. Rhinoplasty has a history dating back to the ancient Egyptians, and while the methods have significantly improved since then, the same goal of altering the nose to create a more pleasing aesthetic appearance to the patient remains the same.
Why Choose Rhinoplasty Surgery Toronto?
There are many motives to ones decision to have Rhinoplasty surgery Toronto. For example health issues, problems breathing, being unhappy with the general appearance of the nose they were born with, repairing a nose from injury and damage of its original appearance.
Internal nasal structures that may cause breathing problems can usually be corrected during the same time as nose reshaping surgery. Since everyone’s nose is different depending on size, structure, skin type, ethnicity, and bone structure, it is important to know exactly what you want your new nose to look like along with the limitations of Rhinoplasty.
Rhinoplasty surgery Toronto can alter several areas of the nose, including:
- The overall size of the nose in relation to the face;
- The position of nostrils and their size;
- The width of the nasal bridge;
- Smoothing out depressions and bumps on the nasal bridge;
- Altering the nasal tip, such as tips that are hooked, upturned, drooping or bulbous;
- Asymmetry of the nose.

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Is Rhinoplasty Surgery Right For Me?
“Rhinoplasty can benefit almost anyone, regardless of race or gender,” says Dr. Solomon.
“I also help patients who would like subtle enhancements after Rhinoplasty surgery Toronto, as well as patients who are thinking about Revision Rhinoplasty and want to test how the changes could look before they commit to a surgery decision.” Dr. Solomon is a skilled expert who has treated patients from all different ethnic backgrounds in his Toronto Rhinoplasty clinic. “The goal of Rhinoplasty is to consider different facial features and create harmony within the total facial appearance, not to create a Caucasian look,” says Dr. Solomon. Rhinoplasty can improve your appearance without radically altering your face when performed by an experienced and artistically skilled surgeon. A subtle alteration of your nose’s contours can make all the difference in how you look and most importantly, how you feel. This includes not only filling in depressions and small divots on the nose, but also smoothing out nasal bumps, straightening out the bridge, or altering the nasal tip to a shape more suitable. Rhinoplasty can also help treat several ailments related to airflow in a patient’s nasal passages. This can even include sleep apnea. It is worth mentioning that Dr. Solomon will need to ensure you are a good candidate for rhinoplasty. In order to be considered a good candidate, you need to fulfill some conditions. For starters, you need to be physically healthy. You also need to be a non-smoker, since rhinoplasty can affect your breathing passages. You have to be old enough and your nose should have reached its adult size. This is usually around the time you are between 14 -19 years of age, but is considered on a case by case basis. This is because facial structure that has not reached maturity and can alter the outcome of a rhinoplasty procedure in ways that are difficult to predict. Book an AppointmentRhinoplasty Assessment
Dr. Solomon focuses a large part of his practice on rhinoplasty which is one of the many reasons he is highly recommended.
Upon meeting with Dr. Solomon, he will assess your breathing and nasal structure. From here he will determine whether you have nasal allergies, a deviated septum or other deformities in the structure of the nose. Dr. Solomon will evaluate you for rhinoplasty surgery Toronto by examining the interior and exterior of your nose. The nose should be vigilantly examined before surgery so the doctor can determine whether your new nose will complement the rest of your facial features. In some cases, a chin augmentation may be recommended for a better balance of features. In some instances, the doctor may have to rebuild nasal support using cartilage grafts from your ear, nose or other parts of the body. In some cases, the imperfections are so slight that the nose can be smoothed using Gore-Tex implants, a material made of fine sheet. Once Dr. Solomon has completed his examination, he will work with the patient to come up with an individualized treatment plan. Several different options will be explored, and Dr. Solomon will be sure to explain the risks and benefits of each. The computer imaging technology will also help show patients the projected result of each operation and help give them the information they need to make the decision that works best for them. Again, it is important to note that being realistic is key. While rhinoplasty can improve almost anyone’s appearance, holding unrealistic expectations may lead to disappointment after the procedure has been performed. When you talk with Dr. Solomon, please discuss your expectations, and be as specific as possible about what you want the procedure to accomplish. Dr. Solomon has worked with patients to solve all kinds of issues, from medical to cosmetic. He will be able to guide you on what is and isn’t possible, as well as how to best apply the procedure to give you the results you are looking for.
Before you undergo rhinoplasty surgery, you will be asked to get a lab test. This is usually a blood test that will make sure you are healthy. Lab technicians will examine your blood for any signs of infection and to test your internal organs to make sure none of them have any undetected issues.
What Will Happen During Surgery?
There are two different approaches to Rhinoplasty surgery Toronto, Open and Closed and Dr. Solomon has extensive experience in both methods. During your assessment, Dr. Solomon will determine which approach will best suit your particular case. For Complex cases that require grafting and revision, Dr. Solomon may chose to use the Open method. For primary cases where patients’ goals is refinement and hump removal, the closed method will be used which will also help reduce the amount of swelling a patient could experience and there will be no external scar as well. In a closed rhinoplasty, the incisions are performed internally, opposed to externally at the nasal base,(thus affecting the nose and its conjoined nostrils. A closed rhinplasty surgery will however ensure optimization of airways which will improve breathing. A Closed Rhinoplasty is generally not recommended for combined or extensive transmutations to the nasal tip as well as balance bridge work. A Closed Rhinoplasty should also be avoided for external valve support procedures to maximize structural stability over the course of a patient’s life. An Open Rhinoplasty consists of creating a tiny incision in the nasal base, followed by the lifting of the nasal epidermal layer in order to properly expose the anatomy of the nose. By lifting the skin over the bone structure and cartilage, Dr. Solomon is able to examine the nasal anatomy in order to meticulously change the structure of the patient’s nose while also providing long term anatomically stability.Both methods can provide a positive prognosis with high patient satisfaction and optimal nasal health and aesthetics.
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About Rhinoplasty Surgery Toronto
Cosmetic or functional surgery of the nose usually takes 1½ hours to 2½ hours and generally is done under general anesthesia. Dr. Solomon generally performs Rhinoplasty where all incisions are placed inside the nose but in some cases a small incision may be made across the bridge of tissue between the nostrils called the columella. Dr. Solomon only uses this approach for severely traumatized noses and revision Rhinoplasty. In some cases the needed external incisions are in the crease where the cheek and nose join to narrow the nostril. When an external incision is used it will generally heal and leave scars that are nearly invisible. At the end of the operation, a splint will be placed on your nose. If there is any bleeding, a light dressing may be placed inside the nostrils and removed the same day or the next day. Generally sutures were placed in the nose are dissolvable and will fall out over the following weeks. External sutures when used will be removed by Dr Solomon approximately at one week after surgery. The nasal splint is usually removed in one week to ten days.
Temporary skin numbness may occur after Rhinoplasty surgery Toronto. In some cases another surgery may be needed to fine tune the final product. Bruising should last up to a week; swelling however can last up to weeks or months. Residual swelling generally affects the nasal tip.
After the surgery, Dr. Solomon will explain how to care for the incision areas, and recommend some medicines that will help aid your healing and reduce the risk of infection. He will also schedule a follow-up date which usually takes place about a week after the surgery so the sutures can be removed. Dr. Solomon will also give you an idea of when you can resume your day-to-day activities.
OHIP may cover part of the nasal surgery if the patient has difficultly breathing or a nasal deformity due to trauma. If this is the case, Dr. Solomon will evaluate your condition and submit tests and photos to the Ministry of Health in order to determine whether the patient will receive health insurance coverage.
If there are aspects of your nose that you are not happy with, you have the opportunity to make the changes needed to get you the nose you’ve always wanted. Please feel encouraged to book a consultation to find out more information on the options available to you. Feel free to check our reviews.