Rhinophyma Treatment in Toronto
Rhinophyma, (pronounced ri’no-fi’ma) is the medical term used to describe a disfiguring condition of the nose.
Rhinophyma has both genetic and environmental origins and is a slow progressive condition. Rhinophyma Toronto is the advanced stage of Rosacea, a skin condition that can present with facial redness, swollen red bumps and an enlarged nose.
Appearing as a reddened, bulbous nose, this visible, progressive disease has often been wrongly characterized as evidence of an alcohol problem, acquiring the nickname, “whiskey nose”. Perhaps most devastating to those who suffer from this condition are the unwanted physical changes it brings as ones’ nose can appear double in size and quite disfigured looking. Because of the dramatic change to the shape of the nose, Rhinophyma can greatly affect ones’ confidence and self-esteem as well as their willingness to engage in social situations. Rhinophyma Toronto is not a common skin disorder, therefore the general public may not have the compassion and understanding about what is they are seeing and perhaps pass critical judgement. If you have Rhinophyma you may feel discouraged, however rest assured, there are treatments available to help you. There are also things you can do to help prevent your condition from worsening.BEFORE & AFTER
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What Can Cause Rhinophyma Toronto?
Substances like alcohol and caffeine can lead to local vasodilation (the dilation of the blood vessels) which may aggravate your symptoms.
The exact cause of this progressive disease is unknown, but leading theories point to an etiology of unregulated vasodilation in the facial tissues. In the advanced stage, Rhinophyma Toronto presents with an overgrowth of nasal soft tissues. Chronic dermal edema is linked to fibrosis, inflammation, and sebaceous gland overgrowth. Bright reddish or purple-toned telangiectasias (spider veins) on the nose and cheeks, along with lumpy thickening of the skin and increased size of the nose are often observed. Changes in texture of the nose and telangiectasias are most commonly noted for clinical diagnosis of Rhinophyma, however, in advanced stages, secondary nasal airway obstruction can be a troubling complication. In 3% – 10% of Rhinophyma Toronto cases, basal cell carcinoma can occur. Other skin cancers also have the potential to mimic the condition. For these reasons, it is important to see your primary care physician for assessment to discuss health changes and concerns. Book an Appointment

Rhinophyma – Non-Surgical Treatment Available!
If you suffer with Rhinophyma Toronto and are tired of the unwanted attention being drawn by your nose, you will likely be happy to hear that there is an effective, non-surgical treatment available.
Many options have been previously available for Rhinophyma Toronto treatment, including sharp excision, dermabrasion, and cryosurgery, however, all of these have the potential to lead to excess skin removal, bleeding and scarring issues. The financial cost and recovery time required after facial surgery can also be prohibitive. Rhinophyma Toronto has been treated with surgical procedures to reduce and contour nasal soft tissues in the past, today there is a new, non-surgical procedure giving hope to people who wish to avoid surgery or who have been unsuccessful with past treatments and medications.
Renowned surgeon Dr. Philip Solomon, Otolaryngologist Head and Neck surgeon specializing in and practicing Facial Plastic surgery for nearly 20 years, uses state-of-the-art UltraPulse® Fractionated CO2 Laser Resurfacing technology to treat this condition. Carbon dioxide (CO2) laser treatment is fast becoming a preferred technology because of the improved wound healing, precise margins and good hemostasis compared to scalpel excision.
This advanced medical technology has allowed Dr. Solomon, who specializes in nasal surgery, to carefully remove the excess nasal skin without incisions, stitches or scars. Multiple sessions may be required to achieve optimal results. The dramatic results from Ultrapulse CO2 Laser resurfacing have led to a high patient satisfaction rate with this non-surgical procedure. Even extreme cases can see life-changing improvement and reconstruction using the C02 laser resurfacing option.
One of the worst aspects of dealing with a disfiguring skin condition is the frustration of ineffective or unattainable treatment. For those suffering from Rhinophyma nasal changes, there is now effective relief and transformation available to you through the Solomon Facial Plastic CPSO accredited surgical facility headed by Dr. Phillip Solomon. Whether your condition is mild or very severe, feel free to contact Solomon Facial Plastic for a consultation at 905-764-7799.
How Does the UltraPulse Laser Treatment Work?
The UltraPulse Fractionated CO2 Laser Resurfacing treatment system offered at Solomon Facial Plastic is among the most aggressive and powerful treatment modalities available for this condition today.
The UltraPulse Fractionated CO2 Laser resurfacing treatment utilizes short, pulsing light energy that is delivered in a scanning pattern. Micro thin layers of skin are removed with minimal heat damage. It is important that you be informed and are realistic about the recovery process, as the results are not instant and full healing will take some time. The laser is made up of a gas mixture containing carbon dioxide, helium, nitrogen, and hydrogen. Considered to be a type of laser resurfacing, and patented as the UltraPulse Laser Resurfacing treatment system, it removes thin layers of skin from the nose without causing significant damage to the surrounding skin. The scope and potential benefits of the UltraPulse CO2 laser are many and varied. Though useful for the effective reduction of Rhinophyma Toronto symptoms, it can also create notable improvements in skin appearance and quality through reducing the size of pores, repairing sun damage and smoothing texture. Dr. Philip Solomon is specially trained to apply the unique potential of this powerful system in safe and measurable ways for each individual patient. While it is an ablative, aggressive option for major, visible skin irregularities and significant skin aging, it is also a highly effective non-surgical treatment that can provide impactful results.
Are There Any Side Effects?
The risk of unintentional heating of surrounding tissues is inherent to any skin laser procedure. Scar formation and contracture is a consideration that should be discussed with your practitioner and kept in mind when selecting a board certified, experienced facial surgeon for C02 treatment. Minor side effects can also include localised swelling, itching, crusting and tenderness while you are healing and regenerating healthy new skin. Pigmentation changes in the skin may appear. In rare cases, bacterial infections may occur but given careful precautions, this is very rare.
If there are aspects of your nose that you are not happy with, you have the opportunity to make the changes needed to get you the nose you’ve always wanted. Please feel encouraged to book a consultation to find out more information on the options available to you.