How To Prepare For Your Toronto Nose Job Surgery

1. What You Will Require

  • Q-Tips
  • Hydrogen Peroxide H202 3%
  • Bacitracin Ointment or Polysporin Ointment
  • Saline Nasal Spray (Salinex or Hydrasense)
  • We Recommend Taking Vitamin C, 2000 mg Daily for 2 weeks leading up to your Surgery
  • Ice packs for post-surgery icing. You may also use small bags of Frozen Peas
  • Dr. Solomon Recommends you take Arnica by Sinecch one day Before your Rhinoplasty surgery and for 3 days following to help minimize post-surgical bruising and swelling
  • Arnica by Sinecch is sold at The Solomon Nasal and Facial Plastic Surgery Centre

2. What You Should Avoid 2 Weeks Prior To Your Surgery

  • Smoking (Nicotine/Marijuana)
  • Alcohol, Please Discontinue use for at least 2 weeks leading up to your Rhinoplasty/Septorhinoplasty, as it can Increase Bruising and Prolong Swelling
  • Naturopathic or Herbal Medications/Supplements such as Garlic Extract, Fish Oils and Vitamin E Must be Discontinued 2 Weeks Prior to Surgery (Unless Approved by Dr. Philip Solomon)
  • Remove Gel/Acrylic Nails and Nail Polish on Fingers and Toes for the day of your Nose Job
  • MUST DISCONTINUE: Aspirin, Advil or Ibuprofen 2 Weeks Prior to Surgery as these products can Increase Bleeding

3. The Day Of Your Toronto Nose Job Surgery

  • If you take Medications for Diabetes or Hypertension, Please continue to take your medication the day of your surgery
  • Please have Removed all Make-up, Piercings and Nail Polish
  • Do Not Eat or Drink past Midnight the night before your Rhinoplasty
  • Please Arrive at the Hospital 2 hours Before your Surgery
  • If your surgery is a The Solomon Nasal and Facial Plastic Surgery Centre, you will arrive 1 hour prior your surgery
  • Your Nose Surgery can take an hour and a half to two hours
  • Following your Surgery, You will remain in Recovery for 2 hours Before Returning Home
  • Please Arrange to have a Friend or Family Member Drive you home from the Hospital or Clinic
  • For the Rest of the Day, Relax with your head Elevated on some Pillows
  • A Travel Pillow can be helpful for sleeping
  • Feel free to Eat what you would like when you’re Ready following your Nose Surgery
  • In the case of Residual Bleeding, Replace moustache gauze from beneath the nose as When Needed. Once Bleeding stops, you No Longer need to Wear Moustache Gauze
  • Before leaving the Hospital, Dr. Solomon’s Recovery Nurse will give you a Prescription to be filled and should be taken as prescribed

4. Day 2, Cleaning Your Nose Begins

  • Start with Cleaning gently JUST around the opening of your Nostrils in the Morning and at Bedtime using a Q-Tip and Hydrogen Peroxide
  • PLEASE DO NOT insert a Q-Tip deep into your Nostrils
  • Best to Gently wipe or dab the entrance of your Nostrils using a soaked Q-Tip in order to Remove Dried Blood
  • You May Now Use Saline Nasal Spray 3-4 Times per day. Administer two sprays of Salinex/Hydrasense inside both nostrils and Throughout the day as Needed. Saline Spray can help to Minimize swelling as well as Improve your Breathing
  • After you have Cleaned with Hydrogen Peroxide, you may Apply Polysporin Ointment or Bacitracin Ointment inside both nostrils. If you have allergies to these products, you may use Vaseline. Continue Cleaning for 2 Weeks following your Nose Job

5. Following Your Nose Job Surgery

  • Your Splint Remains on your Nose for 7-10 Days
  • Following your Nose Job, your FIRST Post-Operative Appointment will be with our Nurse at the Solomon Nasal and Facial Plastic Surgery Centre in Thornhill, just north of Toronto
  • Our Nurse will take your Nasal Dressing/Splint off, assess how you are Healing and Review your Post-Operative care information
  • AVOID getting your SPLINT wet to Prevent your Splint from Falling off Prematurely
  • Be sure to Change Surgical Dressing (the gauze taped beneath your nose) as Required for the first 24-48 hours
  • Sleep with your head elevated (use several pillows; a travel pillow can be helpful) for 3 days
  • DO NOT Sleep on your Face – Best to Sleep on your back for 2 weeks following your Nose Job
  • Sutures are Dissolvable in most cases and therefore do not need to be removed
  • Typical Post-Operative Swelling can last for up to 4-6 weeks
  • Do your Best to be Patient as swelling does take time to subside
  • Pain from Rhinoplasty Surgery can be quite minimal, However, if you experience pain during your recovery, you can take Tylenol
  • You will be prescribed an Anti-Biotic to be taken after your surgery and Tylenol #3 to be taken as Needed
  • IF you develop a Reaction ie. Rash, DISCONTINUE medication and please contact our office
  • Bathing is permitted One Day following Nose Surgery. Please Avoid direct stream of water on your Face for one week

6. What To Expect After Your Nose Job Surgery

  • Following your Surgery it’s Normal to experience Significant Swelling around your Nose and Eyes. Red Spots may also appear on the White areas of your Eyes. These Side Effects typically can last 2-3 weeks
  • Your nose will feel stuffed/congested that can make it a Difficult to Breathe through your Nose for at Least 2-3 weeks.
  • You may Experience some mild Bleeding from the front of your Nose or possibly down the Back of your Throat for a Few Days.
  • Your Nose will be Painful when touched and tender for up to 3 weeks
  • Your Throat may also feel sore for a Few Days Following Rhinoplasty

7. What to Avoid After Your Rhinoplasty Surgery

  • Avoid Sneezing through your Nose. Best to Sneeze through the Mouth
  • TIP: Tickle Roof of Mouth with your Tongue can help Prevent Sneezing
  • Avoid Blowing your Nose for up to 4 weeks. If needed, Blow Gently.
  • Avoid Picking at Scabs to prevent scarring
  • Avoid Bending Over or Lifting Heavy Items for at least one week. Aside from the potential for causing Increased Swelling, there is the Risk of Raising your Blood Pressure which Could cause Hemorrhage
  • Avoid Smoking (Nicotine / Marijuana) Throughout your Rhinoplasty Recovery Period as Smoking could Prolong your Healing
  • Avoid Alcohol for minimum of 2 weeks following your Nose Surgery as it has the potential to Increase Bruising and Extend Swelling Period
  • Avoid Naturopathic, Herbal Medications / Supplements, Aspirin, Advil or Ibuprofen for two weeks Following your Nose Surgery, as they can extend swelling period
  • Avoid Physical exercise for up to 4 weeks following your Toronto Nose Surgery
  • Avoid Direct Sun Exposure for up to 12 months and be sure to Apply Sunscreen, a minimum of SPF 45 daily
  • Avoid Wearing Glasses for the first 6 weeks. Do Not Wear Eye Glasses or Sunglasse for 6 weeks. Glasses MUST be Taped to your Forehead.
  • Avoid Hot Saunas
  • RECOMMENDED: Cool Mist Humidifiers can be helpful and placed at your Bedside for 2-4 weeks following your Nose Job

Common Concerns Following Nose Job Surgery

The Appearance of the Nose Following your Surgery

  • You may find that The Tip of your Nose Appears Turned-Up or “Pig-Like” initially following your Splint Removal. Swelling in the Upper Lip can cause this as well from being Taped. Your Nasal Tip typically Falls Considerably in the First 2 Weeks following Nose Surgery, and then more Slowly from then on. It’s important that the Nasal Tip be Slightly Over Rotated at first to prevent it from Drooping too much once your nose finally Heals
  • You may Experience Asymmetrical Bruising or Swelling. This is Normal and Related to the volume of Bleeding that may have presented at the time of Surgery
  • Your Nostrils may Appear Larger and Sometimes Asymmetrical following surgery. Swelling can cause this and Improves over Time.
  • Once your Splint has been Removed, Swelling can present where the Bump Used to Be. This should go down in Time Depending on your Body’s Healing Process
  • Your Upper Lip may be Quite Stiff following Nose Surgery and may affect the shape of your Smile. This is Typically due to Swelling at the Base of your Nose. This is Normal and will resolve After the First 2 Weeks


If You Experience any of the Symptoms Listed Below PLEASE Contact Dr. Philip Solomon Directly ASAP:

Solomon Facial Plastic Clinic: 905-764-7799

If you’re NOT able to reach us

PLEASE visit your nearest Emergency Department

  • If you Develop a Rash, Persistent Fever, Chills or Sweating.
  • If you Notice a Foul Odour or Yellow Drainage coming from the Incision Sites.
  • If you Experience Severe Nasal or Throat Pain, that is NOT controlled with Tylenol.
  • If you Experience Persistent Bleeding that DOES NOT resolve in 20 minutes or with Direct Pressure.
  • Persistent Vomiting and Inability to Drink Liquids for Greater than 4 hours
  • Shortness of Breath, Chest Pain, Weakness or Numbness in the Face or Limbs.

Please Notify Dr. Philip Solomon of any Unexpected Admission to the Hospital within 10 Days of your Sur.

If you Require any Clarification Regarding these Instructions, or if you would like further Assistance or Support, following your Rhinoplasty Surgery, Please feel free to Arrange an Appointment with our Nurse.


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